Third wheeling JAFFA POETRY
As Carrie Rudzinski and Ken Arkind sat on the couch opposite me, it was hard to believe I was talking to poets that many Americans would refer to as “punk”.
While Carrie waxed lyrical, Ken would gaze at her from behind his mic. He would smile, as if about to giggle, then sheepishly explain; “I just think you’re so cool!” Adorable.

They’re warming to the title of “mum and dad” of poetry in Auckland. They run the JAFA Poetry Slam – Auckland’s only monthly performance poetry competition. Ken hypes up the audience, while Carrie makes sure the evening goes without a hitch.
We talk about the cultural cringe wrapped up in spokenword, the growing and shifting sounds of NZ poetry, and why they’re not quite sure about the label “wholesome”.
Join me as I Third Wheel some of my poetry idols, while they try to make it through the podcast without an argument.
You can now find ‘Third Wheel’ on all major streaming platforms, including but not limited to Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
New episode every Friday.