Primary with Nadia Darby
NADIA DARBY is ON! One of palmerstons koolest! Freelance filmmaker and glorified uber driver. Darby has been chasing ‘jump-jam leader’ status since birth. She gave me kidpix. I spoiled ice cream cake for both of us. No one eats dry pasta.
I met Nadia in Wellington, when I crashed on her couch once. She’s effing funny!
A fucking talented chook!
Since she’s come up here, we’ve become so close. I’m thinking about inviting her to my BFF slumber party!
Nadia came in for a coffee a couple of weeks ago, and I got her talking about childhood instead… whoops x

Since finishing film school in Welly, Nadia has come up here for work. (she says it’s nothing too exciting, but I find her as glamorous as a coloured hair clip.)
Nadia has recently edited a music video ! Here it is yo!
We had so much fun !
Now that I have a better structure to the episodes, I MUST invite her back! With training, I do believe she has what it takes to become a jump jam leader 🙂
Nadia is a joyful outcome
of College Street Normal School, 2003-08.
You can now find ‘Primary’ on all major streaming platforms, including but not limited to Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
New episode every Thursday.