Hahko Meets Tei. & Yery (Imugi)
Tei. is an artist, a friend and an example of everything the music industry should be aspiring to.
I was first introduced to her music through Bridge & 95bFM, being booked on the same bill with her for an early morning live-to-air performance. She was unassuming, kind and had this excited, positive energy. Then she sat on a stool with just a laptop and a mic and showed the power of her voice and her spirit.
I’ve taken every opportunity I can to work with Tei., including both editions of the Two Daze compilation in which she was a standout each time. She’s not only musically inspiring, but a well-rounded and passionate person who has taken her study of architecture and spaces and built that right into her outlook on music too, something we get into in this very podcast.

The music industry is going through just as much change as the rest of the world, and has its own specific problems built in that require reformation. But most importantly they require compassionate, considerate leaders to show us the way forward, and if Tei. isn’t one of those people I don’t know who is.
In the spirit of connection and community, we were also joined by Yery of Imugi, a personal favorite act of mine and personal friend of Tei’s, who while also being a joy to have around, added great insight on creative messaging, the industry and energy.
This was an incredibly satisfying conversation for myself and I feel very lucky to be able to participate and share this with the world.
Also, this was the very first episode in our brand new home of Poynton Studios, who have a wonderful studio space in the centre of Auckland and I hope will be a big part of whatever this new music movement will grow into.